The Connection Blueprint

We know that high performance comes from high trust environments. Getting better at building relationships with your team members pays off. The one-on-one meeting is the most important communication method to build relationships.

The Connection Blueprint classes go beyond the book in providing, real-world, practical application and practice for building connections for increased productivity, development, and retention.

The Connection Blueprint
Jump Start Sessions 

Join a jumpstart session to truly understand the value of one-on-one meetings. Learn how to incorporate them into your schedule. Review tips for implementing more effective one-on-ones by leveraging the content of The Blueprint Connection and doing a deeper diver on handling specific challenges in implementing one-on-one meetings.

Audience: All leaders of people
Timeframe: One two-hour session in-person or virtually

    The Connection Blueprint
    Leadership Series

    This 3-part development series will develop strong skills all related to your leadership style and connecting to your employees.

    Leaders will learn how to build relationships, understand and use emotional intelligence and enhance their communication skills.

    We know that high performance comes from high trust environments. Getting better at building relationships with your team members pays off. The one-on-one meeting is the most important communication method to build relationships.

    Offered both in-person and virtually, leaders will learn specific skills to use when leading and communicating with remote and face-to-face employees.

    Audience: Anyone who leads others, especially those who have not experienced leadership training or are facing challenges with their team
    Timeframe: Three 90 minute in-person or virtual sessions, ideally 1-2 weeks between sessions.

    Huddle #1: Why connect?
    In the first huddle, leaders will become aware of the value of really listening and connecting with your employees. They will also learn how to make the most of The Blueprint Connection book, specific skills to increase engagement, one-on-one meeting cadence, scheduling and the best use of virtual tools.

    Huddle#2: Building Trust
    High performance teams are built on trust. Leaders will take a personality profile to increase awareness of their communication style and others style. Understanding style differences builds trust by learning to understand and leverage differences. Learn specific actions you can take in your one-on-one meetings to build trust and avoid actions that destroy trust.

    Huddle #3: Building Accountability
    What we say as leaders creates the culture for our team. Ideally our team culture is one of strong motivation and accountability. In this session you will learn how to use your one-on-one meetings to create that culture of accountability in a way that motivates and engages your team members.

    Keynote Speeches:
    The Connection Blueprint

    Nodus CEO, Debbie Waggoner is available as a keynote speaker on the topics of creating and strengthening employee relationships for increased productivity, growth, and retention.

    Lunch & Learn Sessions
    The Connection Blueprint Mini-Sessions

    Topics Include:

    • Refreshing your Employee One-on-Ones
    • 5 ways to improve your remote meeting one-on-ones

    The Connection Blueprint provides an easy guide for leaders at all levels of the organization, from first-line supervision to CEO, to leverage effective one-on-one meetings with their employees.
    Learn more about the book, The Connection Blueprint

    Keep up with Nodus &
    Nodus President Debbie Waggoner
    on LinkedIn, Facebook & Google My Business.